11 fun things to do while you're on bedrest

Great helpful list of things you can do while you're on bedrest during your pregnancy. A fun way for you to be entertained and also be productive.

Being on bedrest can be a little frustrating because you may accept to depend on others and for the most part be confined to your bed. Information technology is not an ideal situation where you desire to see yourself in, simply for most pregnant women is a necessity in lodge to have a good for you pregnancy and infant. Even though y'all're on bedrest it doesn't mean you tin't be productive or have fun!

I was put on partial bedrest during my twin pregnancy 4 years agone and allow me tell you it was something to get used to. I was able to cook and go along walks about days which was bully. Merely, not every pregnant women has that luxury when they're  on bedrest, and so I am sharing with you lot a  fun and productive listing of things that you can exercise. Whether you lot're on strict bedrest or on fractional bedrest, I'chiliad sure you will find a matter or two to practise.

Set up to alleviate boredom and start being productive while on bedrest?

11 fun things to do while you're on bed-rest

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This might sound a bit weird, since in fact you are on bed-residue and therefor "duh" yous take to residue, that's the indicate. But, when yous're actually on bed-remainder, do yous actually rest? Nope! At least, I didn't because I wanted to exercise something, exist active and feel normal.

You can take bed-residuum literally and reset. Take a nap and enjoy it and so wake upward happy and re-charged. You can also rest by laying downwards and not practise anything but picket tv set or read a volume. Resting does your pregnant body good.

2.Light practice

If you're not on strict bedrest, why non exercise? You do non have to go run a mile or two but simply walking effectually the house will do. This will brand sure you are circulating your blood menses. Likewise, taking a stroll in your house or around your neighborhood will requite you energy and distraction.

iii. Get-go your infant registry

Infant registry is such a fun procedure that you will totally bask doing if you're on bed-rest. Why? because yous tin do information technology online! There are so many stores (Target, Amazon, Buy Buy Baby and more) that offer online baby registry which is awesome and and then convenient.

How about getting your partner involve in the process? It'southward a great manner to bond and determine which baby items you desire and need. I personally loved checking out what people already accept bought from my list, I would always get excited!

I recommend checking out the Amazon babe registry !

4.Read a book

Being on bedrest limits your ability to practice a lot of things, like existence active in general. This may make you feel sad and bored because there is non much you tin can practise while on bedrest. One thing, that always helps me when I'g bored, is reading a expert book. You can get lost for hours in a book which is great because you lot'll be entertained.

Hither are a few of my favorite pregnancy books that I know you'll bask reading:

  1. What to look when y'all're expecting
  2. Belly Laughs
  3. Guide to a Good for you Pregnancy

5. Binge lookout your favorite shows

Another swell manner to deal with bed-rest and not allow it consume you in a negative way is to do fun things like watching your favorite t.5 shows on Netflix. Write a list of the shows you tin can't wait to watch and and then become for it. Have fun, lay down and enjoy your shows.

6.Find a hobby

There are a lot of swell hobbies out there and I'm sure you can call back of ane thing you can do while you lot're on bed-rest. Yous can write a blog, similar this one! And share your pregnancy journeying with your family and friends. You lot can even beginning your very own YouTube channel from the comfort of your home.

Other great hobby ideas you might like:

  • sewing
  • photography
  • fleck-booking
  • quilting

Here'southward a list of 50+ other ideas for y'all to check out.

7.Shop online for your baby

When I was pregnant with all three of my children, I couldn't terminate shopping for them. I think you lot tin can relate to this, so why non store your favorite baby stores online. This volition go yous distracted and too make yous feel happy, because who doesn't love a good shopping spree? Yous can shop for of import things your baby needs similar a stroller, boppy pillow, bottles, babe crib, apparel and and then much more!

Baby items I recommend:

8.Have visitors over

Invite your family and friends over to your firm or the hospital you're staying in. Zero is better than being with adept company and having a skilful express joy. The fourth dimension goes by super fast and y'all will be emotionally content.

If your family and friends live far, give them a call!

nine. Mani and pedi

Treat yourself mama! Have an at domicile spa solar day and exercise your nails. It really relaxes you and what girl doesn't like to get their nails done?

10.Write a nativity programme

Ane great way to stay occupied and productive during your bed rest is to outset thinking and writing your birth program. Now, this is something I didn't practice with both of my pregnancies and the reason for this was that I didn't know nigh it. I do think information technology's a great idea to have a flexible nascency program in heed or on paper. Simply for your peace of mind and for you to sort of be in command of your nascency experience . Continue in heed that you need to accept an open mind and know that sometimes things do non go according to plan.

Either mode, I think this is a groovy idea for significant women to do. You can too include your partner and share your thoughts and decisions on how yous want your birth to be. Here's a helpful list of what to include on your birth plan .

11.Play lath games

Have a family unit game night and accept fun playing board games. If you have kids, they'll love every minute of information technology. Family unit bonding is always a necessity and you need a good fun fourth dimension to forget you're on bedrest. I beloved playing board games with my family considering it forces usa not to be on our phones, tablets or laptop but instead it encourages us to appreciate and value family time.

Here's a couple of fun family games I recommend:

Quick recap:

Even though existence on bed-rest can exist a flake annoying or inconvenient, it's best if we take intendance of ourselves and our unborn infant. Aye, it may restrict the states from doing things that we would normally practice otherwise, simply the bigger picture is to accept a good for you pregnancy and baby. This list will help you find means to entertain yourself and observe things that you can do to prepare for your nascence. Similar having your babe registry prepare and how about shopping online for important baby items like the stroller?

Having a hobby is a great idea considering this way y'all volition feel productive and you will be doing something, rather than habitation on the fact that you are on bed-rest. Treat yourself with a mani and pedi considering what girl doesn't beloved them? You can also get lost in a great volume that y'all have been wanting to read.Rampage watching your favorite t.v show is e'er a fun way to distract your mind and to be entertained.  There are so many different things you can practice while y'all're on bed-rest that volition brand you adjust easily and peacefully.

Think that you are strong and you can do this! Think about the positive consequence and that is your beautiful baby, believe me it will all be worth information technology.


Source: https://www.stressfreemommies.com/2017/11/11-fun-things-to-do-while-youre-on-bedrest/

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